Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Eat, Pray, Gag - Oops I mean Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

Booo! I don't know what all they hype surrounding this book is about. The only thing I got from this book is that Elizabeth Gilbert is a self-indulgent emotional woman who can't stick to the commitments she makes. She literally got paid to throw herself a traveling pity party and write a book about it. I might have been able to tolerate this if there was any kind of legitimate trauma in her life to warrant her behavior, but no reason is ever really given. She left her husband because of what? Boredom? She becomes a cougar and hooks up with a young stud, but still is unsatisfied. Then she takes a vow of celibacy only to break it. Sorry chick, but I have no sympathy for you. Your boring bad decisions don't warrant my attention.

I had hoped that they would at least try and spice the movie up a little, but I am convinced the only reason that movie sold a single ticket was because Julia Roberts was in it. I turned it off after 10 minutes.

If you couldn't tell, I do not recommend this book.